3diag - RBP - Tia Kit

3diag - RBP - Tia Kit
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820.83 €
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993.21 €
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Kit for determination of retinol binding protein (RBP) in serum on routine biochemical analyzers. The kit includes a reagent, a calibrator and a control.

Plasma RBP levels are elevated in type 2 diabetes mellitus, obesity, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease, and chronic kidney disease.

Decreased values ​​due to proteinuria, hepatocellular carcinoma, hyperparathyroidism, cystic fibrosis, or other causes can pose a serious threat to the transport of vitamin A into tissues.

Under normal circumstances, RBP filtered by the glomerulus is almost completely reabsorbed by the proximal renal tubules, where it is catabolized, and then only a very small amount appears in the final excreted urine.

An increase in urinary RBP excretion is a good marker of tubular dysfunction from any cause or pathology (transplantation, diabetes, poisoning, etc.) due to its high sensitivity, stability and large dynamic range (complete blockage of tubular reabsorption increases normal values ​​by a factor of 10^4-10 ^5).

Applications for commonly used biochemical analyzers available (Advia®, Alinity C, AU®, Atellica™, cobas® C, Optilite®, Mindray and others).

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